Sample documents
iDenfy provides you with dummy documents for easier testing and integration.
Some security features are disabled for documents listed below, please use them only in testing and/or development environments.
If verification is denied/suspected because Doc spoof detected, passive liveness should be turned off to receive successfull results.
Flow with successful auto results
Use these resources to complete a normal verification flow which should result in a successful automatic verification.
Use this JSON body in your session creation request to complete the flow.
"clientId": "00000000",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Sample Peter"
Successful verification images

After the flow is completed, the verification is approved and you should receive the following results:
"overall": "APPROVED",
"suspicionReasons": [],
"mismatchTags": [],
"fraudTags": [],
"autoDocument": "DOC_VALIDATED",
"autoFace": "FACE_MATCH"
Flow with face mismatch results
Passport and face mismatch images

After the flow is completed, the verification is rejected with the following results:
"overall": "DENIED",
"suspicionReasons": [],
"mismatchTags": [],
"fraudTags": [],
"autoDocument": "DOC_VALIDATED",
"autoFace": "FACE_MISMATCH"
Flow with expired document results
Expired passport images

After the flow is completed, the verification is rejected with the following results:
"overall": "DENIED",
"suspicionReasons": [],
"mismatchTags": [],
"fraudTags": [],
"autoDocument": "DOC_EXPIRED",
"autoFace": "FACE_MATCH"
Flow with fake document results
Fake passport images

After the flow is completed, the verification is rejected with the following results:
"overall": "DENIED",
"suspicionReasons": [],
"mismatchTags": [],
"fraudTags": [],
"autoDocument": "DOC_FAKE",
"autoFace": "FACE_MATCH"
Flow with AML suspected results
Use this JSON body in your session creation request to complete the flow.
If the AML setting regarding the return of same nationality results is on, this document will not be suspected. Please contact our support team via dashboard if you would like to change/check this setting on your account.
"clientId": "00000000",
"firstName": "Manfred",
"lastName": "Weber"
Politician passport images

After the flow is completed, the verification is approved because document and face are valid but after checking the AML services, the person is matched against an AML database entry. Therefore the overall status will be "SUSPECTED".
"overall": "SUSPECTED",
"suspicionReasons": ["AML_SUSPECTION"],
"mismatchTags": [],
"fraudTags": ["AML_SUSPECTION"],
"autoDocument": "DOC_VALIDATED",
"autoFace": "FACE_MATCH"
We recommend testing these documents in development or testing environments. Also, the images should be uploaded using our Direct API processing endpoint or during the verification session in our UI. Image upload permissions are required to perform this action. Contact tech support via our dashboard to enable upload functionality for your testing or development environments.