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Common values vocabulary

clientIdA unique string identifying a client.
scanRefA unique string identifying a client verification in iDenfy’s side.

Verification status values vocabulary

APPROVEDVerification was successful and approved by an automated platform or a manual reviewer. An overall status of the verification. It is a combination of manual and automatic verification results. Please refer to autoFace, manualFace, autoDocument and manualDocument statuses.
DENIEDVerification was not successful and was denied by an automated platform or a manual reviewer. An overall status of the verification. It is a combination of manual and automatic verification results. Please refer to autoFace, manualFace, autoDocument and manualDocument statuses.
SUSPECTEDOverall status of the verification. It depends on auto or manual webhook, but if face status:autoFace, manualFace is FACE_MATCH and document status autoDocument, manualDocument is DOC_VALIDATED, then the verification is approved. If other statuses exist, for example: DOC_NOT_FOUND, FACE_MISMATCH, then verification is declined. If any fraudTags or mismatchTags exist for the verification, then status can be set as SUSPECTED, because the identification caught some discrepancies. If verification is approved(FACE_MATCH and DOC_VALIDATED) but overall status SUSPECTED it should be decided on your end to allow or decline this client.
REVIEWINGVerification is being reviewed by a human. Contact iDenfy support to turn this feature on or off.
EXPIREDA token associated with this verification got expired and a verification process never took place (token was not used).
ACTIVEA verifications has no decisive status. A token representing this verification was not used and is still active and can be used by a client any moment.
EXPIRED-DELETEDA token associated with this identification got expired and a verifications process never took place (token was not used and got deleted).
DELETEDFor performance reasons we might decide to delete certain verifications.
ARCHIVEDFor performance reasons we might decide to archive certain verifications.
FACE_MATCHFace from document was successfully matched with the selfie face. This status indicates that the person and the owner of the document are the same.
FACE_MISMATCHThe face of a verifying person could not be determined as facial features are not fully visible or there a few similar faces in the photo. It could be of low-quality pictures and/or changes in a person's facial features during a lifetime and/or blur, shadow, glare, fingers or other objects in the photo.
NO_FACE_FOUNDThe face cannot be accurately determined or facial features are not clear in the photo. The selfie might be effected by blur, shadow, glare, fingers or other objects in the photo.
TOO_MANY_FACESIn the given selfie photo more than one face is visible. We can not accurately determine which face to match and/or the law prohibits more than one face in the verification selfie.
FACE_TOO_BLURRYSelfie face was too blurry and face matching could not be performed.
FACE_ERRORUnclassified error happened when locating/matching faces.
FACE_NOT_ANALYSEDVerification was denied for some other reason e.g. it was suspected therefore face analysis was not performed.
FACE_NOT_CHECKEDThis status indicates that the selfie was not compared to the documents face.
FAKE_FACEThe photo were taken not in a real time, virtual camera were detected or face is fake. It also could occured of blur, shadow, glare, fingers, or other objects in the photo.
FACE_GLAREDDetected glare in selfie photo.
FACE_UNCERTAINSelfie face liveness can not be determined. This means that it might be because of not well-lit environment, fake face provided or blur, shadow, glare, fingers or other objects in the photo.
DOC_VALIDATEDDocument is valid. This means that all data is visible and read, document face is foundand document seems to be genuine.
DOC_NOT_FOUNDDocument could not be found in the photo.
DOC_NOT_FULLY_VISIBLEThis status indicates that the document or some information in the document are not fully visible. It occurred of not showing the document, blur, shadow, glare, fingers, damaged document, or other objects in the photo.
DOC_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe client has shown a document type that is not supported for a selected country, not allowed for currect session, or type of document does not match with selected.
DOC_FACE_NOT_FOUNDA face in the document could not be located.
DOC_NAME_ERRORIn the front side of the document a name field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_SURNAME_ERRORIn the front side of the document a surname field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_EXPIRY_ERRORIn the front side of the document a document expiry date field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_DOB_ERRORIn the front side of the document a date of birth field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_PERSONAL_NUMBER_ERRORIn the front side of the document a personal code field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_NUMBER_ERRORIn the front side of the document a document number field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_DATE_OF_ISSUE_ERRORIn the front side of the document a date of issue field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_SEX_ERRORIn the front side of the document a sex field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_NATIONALITY_ERRORIn the front side of the document a nationality field could not be found or parsed.
DOC_GLAREDDocument looks glared in the photo and data parsing can not be performed.
DOC_FACE_GLAREDDocument face looks glared in the photo and data parsing can not be performed.
DOC_TOO_BLURRY Document looks too blurry in the photo and data parsing can not be performed.
DOC_NOT_ALLOWEDDocument could be read but the specific document type is not allowed in the partner's settings.
MRZ_NOT_FOUNDMachine Readable Zone (MRZ) could not be located.
MRZ_OCR_READING_ERRORFailed to read and parse Machine Readable Zone (MRZ). Possibly check-digit discrepancy.
BARCODE_NOT_FOUNDThe barcode of the document could not be located.
DOC_EXPIREDThe document shown in the photo indicates that it is expired and therefore no longer valid. It might also be effected of blur, shadow, glare, fingers, or other objects in the photo.
COUNTRY_MISMATCHSelected country and identity document issuing country do not match.
DOC_SIDE_MISMATCHDocument side is different than expected.
DOC_TYPE_MISMATCHSelected document type mismatches with shown document or allowed document.
DOC_ERRORUnclassified error happened while analysing identity document.
DOC_NOT_ANALYSEDVerification was denied for some other reason e.g. it was suspected therefore document analysis was not performed.
DOC_DAMAGEDDocument in the photo is damaged: it might be cracked or broken in some way.
DOC_FAKEThe photo were taken not on a real time, virtual camera were detected or document is fake. It also could occured of blur, shadow, glare, fingers, or other objects in the photo.
AUTO_UNVERIFIABLEThis verification can not be automatically verified and needs to be verified by human.
COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTEDDocument country is not supported.
FACE_SUSPECTEDAutomatic algorithms triggered a suspicion that selfie face is not genuine.
FACE_BLACKLISTEDVerification selfie has been matched against an already existing blacklist entry.
DOC_FACE_BLACKLISTEDVerification document face has been matched against an already existing blacklist entry.
DOC_MOBILE_PHOTOA photo of a document is shown from a mobile screen.
DEV_TOOLS_OPENEDA client performing verification has opened dev-tools in the browser.
DOC_PRINT_SPOOFEDAutomatic algorithms triggered a suspicion that document is printed on paper.
FAKE_PHOTOGeneral identifier for a fake photo.
AML_SUSPECTIONIf AML functionality is turned on for you - this reason specifies that a client is in PEPs or Sanctions list.
AML_FAILEDIf AML functionality is turned on for you - this reason specifies that the check has failed.
LID_SUSPECTIONIf LID functionality is turned on for you - this reason specifies that client's document is found in lost or stolen documents database.
LID_FAILEDIf LID functionality is turned on for you - this reason specifies that the check has failed.
UNDER_AGEAn age read from document is lower than partner age limit.
UNKNOWN_AGEAn age was not read from document and partner has set age limit.
NAMEPartner given client name does not match one read form document.
SURNAMEPartner given client surname does not match the one read form document.
DOCUMENT_NUMBERPartner given client document number does not match the one read form document.
PERSONAL_CODEPartner given client personal code does not match the one read form document.
EXPIRY_DATEPartner given client expiry date does not match the one read form document.
DATE_OF_BIRTHPartner given client date of birth does not match the one read form document.
DATE_OF_ISSUEPartner given client date of issue does not match the one read form document.
FULL_NAMEPartner given client full name does not match the one read form document.
DOC_PERSONAL_CODE_INVALIDThe personal code could not be verified. This means that the personal code is incorrect or not fully visible because of blur, shadow, glare, fingers, damaged document, or other objects in the photo.
DOC_SPOOF_DETECTEDDocument detected as not real.
DOCUMENT_TOO_CLOSE_TO_BORDERPassive document liveness failed to successfully validate the document image because it is too close & borders are outside.
MRZ_INVALIDMachine readable zone (MRZ) is invalid and cannot be verified. It occured ofblur, shadow, glare, fingers, damaged document, other objects in the photo or it may be eddited by the client.
INVALID_ADDITIONAL_STEPAdditional step document was invalid'.
ADDITIONAL_STEP_NOT_FOUNDAdditional step was not found.
FACE_IN_BLACKLISTThis particular verification face photo was added to face blacklist.
DOC_FACE_IN_BLACKLISTThis particular verification document face photo was added to document blacklist.
DATA_BLACKLISTEDVerification data has been matched against an already existing blacklist entry.
DATA_IN_BLACKLISTThis verification data has been used to create blacklist entry, e.g. when scanRef is added to blacklist.
DUPLICATE_FACEA face matched with earlier done verification selfie.
DUPLICATE_DOC_FACEA document face matched with earlier done verification document face.
VIRTUAL_CAMERALikely virtual camera detected.
DOC_INFO_MISMATCHThe information provided does not match between the system and the document.
UNDER_AGEThe client is under certain age limit.
ADDITIONAL_STEP_INFORMATION_MISMATCHThe additional step information does not match with the document provided.
EXPIRED_ADDITIONAL_STEP_INFORMATIONThe provided document is expired
INVALID_ADDITIONAL_STEPAdditional step is invalid
ADDRESS_UNVERIFIEDAddress verification hasn't been performed because:
- address was not matched,
- address was matched but not found,
- UTILTIY_BILL additional step document expired (EXPIRED_ADDITIONAL_STEP_INFORMATION).

Also possible it was performed, matched and found but status is unverified.
PORTRAIT_SUBSTITUTIONPassive document liveness failed to successfully validate the document photo and marked as it might be replaced/substituted.