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Phone number validation

This service endpoint calculates phone number's risk score and returns additional information about that phone number

Sending request

Send a HTTP Post request to:

The request must contain basic auth headers where username is API key and password is API secret.


API key and API secret can be retrieved by contacting iDenfy's tech support or iDenfy's sales team:

The request must contain JSON with parameters:

phone_numberYesString- E.164 formatPhone number with country code to check
current_locationNoString- Country alpha-2 codeCurrent IP address location

Receiving response

risk_scoreFloat- Min 0
- Max 99
Calculated score how risky is phone_number
country_codeString- Country alpha-2 codeTwo character country code for phone_number
current_networkString-The full name of the carrier that phone_number is associated with
current_routeString- Values:
The type of network that phone_number is associated with
original_networkString-The full name of the carrier that phone_number is associated with
availabilityString- Values:
Can you call the phone_number. This is applicable to mobile numbers only
validityString- Values:
inferred_not_valid means that the number could not be determined as valid or invalid via an external system and the best guess is that the number is invalid. This is applicable to mobile numbers only
roamingString- Values:
Is phone_number outside its home carrier network
roaming_countryString- Country alpha-2 codeIf phone_number is roaming, this is the code of the country phone_number is roaming in
roaming_network_nameString-If phone_number is roaming, this is the name of the carrier network phone_number is roaming in
request_idString- Max length 40The unique identifier for your request


Example request

"phone_number": "+12025550163",
"current_location": "US"

Example response

"risk_score": 10.0,
"country_code": "US",
"current_network": "United States Premium",
"current_route": "unknown",
"original_network": "United States Premium",
"availability": "unknown",
"validity": "not_valid",
"roaming": "unknown",
"roaming_country": null,
"roaming_network_name": null,
"request_id": "fcecf6e6-1ad7-4d5e-98a8-cc9b2d5575eb"

If the provided phone number in the request is not in E.164 format or it isn't a mobile phone number, our servers may return an empty string. ""